The Trump tax proposal radically changes year-end tax planning.  Since our user base is heavy on CPA financial planners and real financial professionals, here's what we are doing to assist you in moving clients toward proactive tax planning.

Our continuing education program for professionals,, is all over it. Bob Keebler, one of the nation's leading educators of tax and legal professionals, is teaching a class today at 5 ET. Go to to register if you are an A4A member. Otherwise join and replays will be available within hours of the live session. Giving planners the technical information within hours of the announcement by the Trump administration is a real achievement. We're covering breaking news all time now.  

Our platform for communicating with advisor clients for the last two weeks has prepared clients for the Trump tax proposal. Below is a video made available to users of the Financial Advisor Marketing Engine 3.0 platform, which integrates articles, videos, tweets, scripts, presentations and animated GIFs into a client communications dashboard for professionals.  If you would like a free trial account for 10 days on our platform, please request it here.

On Friday night, an article will be available on advisor websites and emailed to advisor clients automatically. Tweets will also be available that link back to the article on your website. The weekly video will be posted to advisory firm YouTube channels on Tuesday. We are launching a new social tool for tweeting financial graphics right from your dashboard. If you are a FAME 3.0, check your dashboard over the next week or two. It will be added for free and enables you to make quick touches of your clients fast. Sets a new standard in advisor communications.