By Andrew Gluck on Thursday, 05 November 2015
Category: Investment Management

Explaining Modern Portfolio Theory To Advisor Clients In Pictures, Words, And Music

If you manage assets in diversified portfolios, your clients’ portfolios are probably trailing the S&P 500. Since the financial press reports on performance of the S&P 500, clients usually expect your advice to keep pace with the S&P 500, and you may not be meeting their expectations. Prudent financial professionals who rely on Modern Portfolio Theory are vulnerable to advisors peddling far less prudent advice.  

This video is what Advisor Products is doing to help professionals who doing the right thing to communicate about this issue effectively and inexpensively using modern Internet tools.

Advisor Products creates advisor videos to educate clients of financial professionals -- CFPs, CPAs, CPA/PFSs, CIMAs, CLUs, ChFCs, EAs, CPWAs. We provide financial content that the vast majority of fiduciaries would be proud to send to clients and friends.

Unlike any advisor marketing company, Advisor Products has an investment methodology. We believe in MPT, financial planning, and our goal is to help your clients stick to a plan.

This video is a sample of what a financial professional gets with a subscription to our Advisor Video Library (AVL).  The video can be placed on any advisor website. It's branded with your logo, head shot and and a map showing where you are located.

 AVL videos automartically get posted to your channel on YouTube automatically. And AVL actually does much more!

AVL also automatically uploads a screenshot of the video and a couple of sentences teasing the video to an email newsletter account we give you with your subscription to AVL. You get the email newsletter account for sending unlimited campaigns to 1,000 contacts, and 15 videos a quarter, for just $79 a month. And there's even more!

You can narrate the videos using AVL!  We give you a browser-based app that records your narration over the phone, or by uploading MP3s with your voiceover. And, yes, your narration is also added to each video automatically.

Videos can be auto-posted to your blog or a " Videos" page you create on your website. Just embed a snippet of code from YouiTube and, whenever you create a new video using AVL, it will automatically be posted to your site's Blog or Video page -- even your website is hosted by a company other than Advisor Products.

This video will be edited to improve some minor issues and it will be available to AVL subscribers in the next couple of days. It will be submitted to FINRA for review, as is all of our content. 

If you use our Financial Advisor Marketing Engine, which is a webiste with all of our content, you get a 40% discount on AVL. FAME includes ALL of our content, including an email newsletter subscription for up to 2500 recipients, social content, and a fantatsic weekly update explaining this week's financial and economic news, often in the context of a financial planning lesson. You also get auto-archiving of the website and two hours of help from our friendly help desk and much, much more.     

If you are an advisor, you can get a free trial of AVL, by hitting "Purchase" or "Submit" at this page. (Please register for an Advisor Products account to get a free trial of AVL. It takes just seconds and will qualify you to reecive free trials of our other products.)

I am pleased to deliver work of this quality, but I could not do it without the help of economist Fritz Meyer, MPT expert Dr. Craig Israelsen, tax guru Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, Fed-analyst Shehriyar Antia, other contributors to Advisors4Advisors, our continuing professional education portal, and my amazing team at Advisor Products.

Please let me know what you think.

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